+31 642179693
Individual sessions
Why body-oriented?
Body-oriented work involves learning to establish a connection with your body. This increases awareness of what is happening in your body, allowing you to explore your inner world. Without needing to know or explain, your body tells your story.
Through our bodies, we experience the world. Without a body, we couldn't live. Everything we've gone through in our lives has been experienced through our bodies, leaving a lasting imprint. Your posture, muscle tensions, your breath – everything reveals something about your life story. For instance, if you had to suppress certain emotions in your childhood, or if you weren't (adequately) met in essential needs like security and love, these experiences may have had an impact on your body.
Lichaamsgericht werken betekent contact (leren) maken met jouw lichaam. Hierdoor vergroot je het bewustzijn over wat er in je lijf gebeurt en kun je je binnenwereld onderzoeken. Zonder dat je het al hoeft te weten of uit te hoeven leggen vertelt jouw lijf jouw verhaal. Via ons lichaam nemen wij de wereld waar. Zonder een lichaam zouden wij niet kunnen leven. Alles wat wij hebben mee gemaakt in ons leven hebben we via ons lichaam ervaren en heeft een imprint gemaakt op ons lijf.
Je houding, spierspanningen, je adem; alles vertelt iets over jouw leven. Als je vroeger bijvoorbeeld bepaalde emoties binnen moest houden, of niet werd ontmoet in je behoeftes aan geborgenheid en liefde kan het zijn dat deze ervaringen zich vast hebben gezet in je lichaam. Met je hoofd kun je dit al lang vergeten zijn of weggedrukt hebben, maar het lijf kan jouw verhaal nog steeds vertellen, jouw lijf liegt nooit. En daarom zit hier ook een enorme wijsheid in verborgen.
While certain experiences may have been long forgotten or suppressed in your mind, your body remains capable of telling your story; your body never lies. Your body carries an immense wisdom. Perhaps you can relate: during an intensely busy period, you may hold your ground with willpower. But as soon as there is even a brief moment of relaxation, like during a weekend or on vacation, you fall ill. Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something in that moment. Through body-oriented work, you can learn to listen to your body and integrate its wisdom into your daily life.
What do you do in body-oriented therapy?
Body-oriented work provides a highly practical and experiential approach compared to, for instance, traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy. In addition to conversations, our focus is primarily on movement, exercises, and experiences. The objective is to enhance your body awareness and pay specific attention to what lies hidden in the depths of your subconscious. Much of our daily life is influenced by our subconscious, where we often function on autopilot. These are our 'blind spots,' areas our mind does not have visibility into. Here, we frequently repeat what we have always known. Allowing the body to speak often sheds light on these subconscious layers, creating space for new movement and the opportunity to break old patterns. When there is a deeper understanding of the inner world of your body, you can once again experience yourself as a whole: both your brain and the rest of your body belong to you, are your home.
Depending on your specific needs, the methodologies and techniques I use in sessions may vary. Here are some practical aspects that are often addressed:
- Conversation and Observation: Conversations, observations, and evaluations are also essential aspects in body-oriented work. Additionally, observing the non-verbale signalen, zoals lichaamstaal en ademhaling, is een essentieel aspect in dit vak. Het merendeel van de communicatie gebeurt namelijk non-verbaal.
- Awareness Exercises: Ik zal je gaan begeleiden in oefeningen om je bewust te maken van je lichaamssensaties, ademhaling en bewegingen. Dit kan helpen om jezelf beter te leren voelen én begrijpen. Door je lichaamsbewustzijn te vergroten, kun je jezelf steeds meer als een geheel ervaren: je lichaam én je geest horen bij jou.
- Movement and Expression: The therapy often includes elements of movement and expression, such as dance, breathwork, bio-energetic exercises, or other forms of physical expression. The aim is to express your inner world and thereby shed light on subconscious layers.
- Mindfulness and Meditation Body-oriented therapy often includes mindfulness and meditation practices to help you be present in the moment and be aware of bodily sensations. This also involves active meditations, where physical movement or using your voice is an integral part of the meditative process.
- Homework: At the end of a session, I may suggest exercises or reflections for you to continue at home, promoting the integration of the growing awareness into daily life.
Within the body-oriented approach, we use the metaphor of the "inner child". Zoals eerder genoemd, heeft wat je in je kindertijd hebt meegemaakt een aanzienlijke invloed op wie je nu bent als volwassene. Door je innerlijke kind te leren kennen, te begrijpen wat het vroeger nodig had maar niet heeft ontvangen, kun je oude patronen doorbreken en leren jezelf nu wel te geven wat je nodig hebt. Hierover vertel ik meer in het volgende stuk.
"And I said to my body, softly, 'I want to be your friend'. It took a long breath and replied: 'I have been waiting my whole life for this'."
Primal Rebirth® Therapy
Primal Rebirth® Therapy is the name of the body-oriented form of (psycho)therapy in which I have been trained. It is a holistic approach that provides the opportunity to reconnect with your true essence. In this body-oriented approach, the exploration of your inner child is standing central.
Between your birth and approximately your sixth year, it is possible that you have lost (part of) your essential qualities. In the first six years of our lives, deeply rooted beliefs about ourselves form, which often unconsciously continue to influence our present behavior. Although experiences later in life can also have an impact, the foundation of how we perceive ourselves and the world often lies in the first years of our lives.
Primal Rebirth Therapie is de lichaamsgeoriënteerde vorm van (psycho)therapie waar ik in opgeleid ben. Het is een holistische benadering die je in de gelegenheid stelt om weer opnieuw in contact te komen met je ware essentie. Vanuit de lichaamsgerichte werkwijze staat het leren kennen van jouw innerlijke kind centraal. Ergens tussen de allereerste momenten in de baarmoeder tot aan ongeveer ons 6e levensjaar zou het kunnen dat je
(gedeeltelijk) jouw essentiële kwaliteiten kwijt bent geraakt. In de eerste 6 jaar van ons leven vormen zich onze diepste overtuigingen over onszelf, vanuit waar wij (vaak onbewust) hedendaags nog steeds naar handelen. Natuurlijk kunnen ook ervaringen op een latere leeftijd grote invloed hebben op ons. Maar de basis hoe we onszelf en de wereld ervaren is gelegd in de eerste jaren van ons leven.
As a result of possibly not having been positively received in your essential qualities such as playfulness, enthousiasm, openness, curiosity, sensitivity, creativity, spontaneity, and so on, you may have learned to hide these aspects. Perhaps there was no space in the family to truly be a child. Maybe you had to take care of yourself early on, or even for your parents. It could have been literally unsafe, causing you to learn to withdraw completely into your mind. These experiences can lead to beliefs such as "I am not worthy," "I don't matter," "I am not good enough," "I am unlovable," "I am not allowed to exist".
When you disconnect from your essence and life source, you impede your natural flow, and this consumes a lot of energy. Often, unconsciously, we still live from old limiting beliefs in our adult lives. By getting to know your inner child and shedding light on both the loss and pain as well as your pure, essential qualities, you can deepen your understanding and experience of yourself. In this way, you can learn to take your inner child by the hand and care for him or her. You can learn to look at yourself from a new, positive belief and thus give yourself now what was missing in the past. This allows you to complete unfinished movements now and feel safe in your body again. As an adult, you can now bear the feelings that were previously unbearable. Body-oriented therapy can help increase this capacity to bear. As a result, you can reconnect with your life source, your energy, your essence. This way, you can find the way back to yourself and color your life in your unique way.
Dan splits je jezelf af van je essentie en je levensbron en houd je je natuurlijke beweging in. En vaak leven we ook in ons volwassen leven nog steeds onbewust vanuit deze overtuigingen. Door je innerlijke kind te leren kennen en zowel licht te schijnen op het gemis en de pijn, als ook op je pure, essentiële kwaliteiten, kun je jezelf dieper leren begrijpen en ervaren. Dan kun je leren om je innerlijke kind bij de hand te nemen en voor hem of haar te zorgen.
Je kunt leren om vanuit een nieuwe, positieve overtuiging naar jezelf te kijken en je zo datgene te geven dat er vroeger niet was. Zo kun je onafgemaakte bewegingen afmaken en je weer veilig voelen in je lijf. Nu, als volwassene, kun je de gevoelens dragen die vroeger niet te dragen waren. Lichaamsgerichte therapie kan helpen om dit draagvermogen te vergroten. En hierdoor kom je ook weer in contact met je levensbron, jouw energie, je essentie. Zo kun je de weg terug vinden naar jezelf. En vanuit daar op jouw unieke manier je leven kleur geven.
On this journey, I am here to guide and support you. Does this therapeutic approach resonate with you? Would you like to travel together for a while, exploring your essential qualities? Or do you have any questions after reading this text? Feel free to reach out to me with your questions or for a non-binding and free introductory meeting.
Here you can read how others have experienced sessions with me.
I offer therapy in Dutch, English, and German.
"The child you used to be could have the key to the lock you're looking at now."
How does a trajectory proceed?
Firstly, we schedule an informal, free introductory meeting. We meet in my practice room and take up to an hour to get to know each other. This is the opportunity for you to ask questions, and together we can explore whether there is a connection and whether you want to embark on this journey together or not. Feel free to openly explore this; both a 'yes' and a 'no' after this meeting are welcome.
If we decide to proceed, we'll schedule an intake session. I allocate a bit more time for this (up to 90 minutes) to get to know you better, hear your story, and together formulate a question that will be the guiding thread for the sessions. Throughout the trajectory, we will regularly evaluate and adjust the question if necessary.
Afterward, we schedule your first session. Once the treatment agreement is signed, we can start working together. The further progression of the trajectory strongly depends on your individual needs. Perhaps you have a specific issue that requires brief attention, or maybe we want to embark on a deeper, longer journey. Many options are possible, and I am happy to discuss and explore what suits you best.
A few tips for your first session(s):
- It's nice to wear comfortable clothing that allows easy movement.
- I recommend scheduling some time after the session to allow everything to settle calmly
- A cup of tea is always waiting for you. I look forward to seeing you!
Location and Pricing
An individual session costs 75€ voor een uur (met een mogelijke uitloop tot 75 minuten)
The sessions take place in a comfortable practice space in the city of Groningen, near the park Noorderplantsoen. The space is located in the course center Open de Poort, a former monastery with a unique, serene atmosphere. It is easily accessible by bike or public transport from the station. Parking is available for a fee in/near the Moesstraat or in the nearby Boterdiep parking garage. Due to its proximity to the park, the center is located in a calm environment, perfect for letting the session settle with a stroll in the park or by sitting by the pond.
Moesstraat 20, 9717 JW Groningen
Reimbursement Health Insurance
With a supplementary health insurance, you can get partial reimbursement for individual sessions of body-oriented therapy. Besides being a member of the professional association SBLP, I am also registered in the HBO register of the umbrella organisation RBCZ.
Below is an overview of which supplementary health insurance packages reimburse how much in 2024. It is always advisable to double-check with your health insurer. Usually, body-oriented therapy falls under alternative medicine or alternative care.