Coming home to your body

A solid foundation is the key to growth

Practice for body-based psychotherapy

Temporary client stop

Can you sometimes feel...

  • Stuck in your head?
  • Overwhelmed by emotions?
  • Overwhelmed by intense mood swings?
  • Insecure in contact with others?
  • Afraid to let go of control?
  • Insecure in or about your body?
  • Overstimulated because everything comes in so intensely?
  • Numb and disconnected from your inner world?
  • Excessively tense or very tired?

Then bodywork might be something for you!

We experience the world through our bodies. When you've (partially) lost connection with your body, you lose contact with your emotions, your boundaries, and your own truth. Body-oriented therapy can support you in restoring the connection with yourself, allowing you to relearn to trust what you feel. In this way, your body can once again become a safe home base from which you can explore life.

What can it bring you?

  • Awareness of your patterns, allowing more space for a new choice
  • Greater body awareness, enabling you to more frequently and quickly sense what you do or do not want
  • More peace in your mind
  • Increased capacity to hold uncomfortable feelings
  • More energy and joy in life. Increased connection with your essential qualities 
  • More trust in yourself and in life
  • More connection with yourself and others

Would you like to journey together for a while to support you in your process? 

Feel free to contact me and schedule a free introductory meeting to explore whether there is a click.

Coming home to my body - My story

My name is Miriam, and the quest for finding 'my home' has occupied me for as long as I can remember. From a young age, I've been on this search, only later realizing that it was a journey back to myself. After completing my schooling, I chose to move from Germany, where I grew up, to the Netherlands to study Psychology. Meanwhile, traveling became a great passion of mine. Throughout, I carried the big question always at the top of my backpack: 'Where is my home?' De studie gaf me veel theoretische inzichten, en de reizen verruimden mijn blik op het leven enorm. Maar op deze vraag kon ik pas echt een antwoord vinden toen ik via het lichaamsgerichte werken weer landde in mijn lichaam. Ik weet dat het cliché kan klinken om te horen dat “je thuis in jezelf zit”. Én ja, het is echt zo. Als je niet in je lichaam woont, blijf je verwijderd van jouw thuis, waar je ook bent.

As a psychologist, I worked for a while in conventional healthcare. Within my role, I tried to emphasize the importance of body-oriented work. Unfortunately, I discovered that there is limited space for this approach within conventional healthcare. There, assistance is primarily approached from the mind, through cognitive behavioural therapy. Of course, that is essential, as progress can be made through conversations and a cognitive approach. However, your body is just as important as your mind. Muscle tensions, body posture, breathing – your body tells a lot about your life story. In areas where words may be lacking, your body can let you feel what it needs.

For this reason, I chose to establish my own practice as an independent practitioner and consciously work without strict protocols. My goal is to fully align with your unique situation from my body-oriented perspective. In my practice, you are warmly welcome with everything you carry. I provide a loving and safe space for your personal journey. With attention and care, we collaboratively tune in and explore what can support you in taking the next step.

I offer therapy in Dutch, English, and German.

"Together, we embark on a journey of discovering the story of your body. What makes you who you are? Why do you act the way you do? Your body carries many answers to these questions. I am here to guide you in learning to listen to them."

"Body-oriented therapy is the journey from surface to depth, from tension to relaxation, from unconscious to conscious"

Experiences of my clients:


"Therapy with Miriam can be described as a vast, safe playground. She often surprises me with the many methods and diverse exercises she employs. The creativity and knowledge are palpable. There is ample space for exploration, and a good balance between navigating with my needs within the therapy and Miriam taking the lead in the sessions herself. It has always felt secure and nurturing in all sessions. She articulates her observations very clearly but gently encourages you to organically feel the insights for yourself. I sense that Miriam is genuinely interested and passionate about what she does. Her sincere sense of wonder permeates the sessions, often bringing laughter and lightness to the 'weightiness.' Grateful to embark on this exploration with Miriam, and I would wish this experience for everyone!"


“My time working with Miriam was a real turning point in my life. She helped me see there was hope for me and that things could get better. For the first time a therapist could help me beyond just listening to me talk about my pain. I left our sessions feeling regulated, seen, and hopeful. I got space to express my feelings without shame or embarrassment. And at the end I went home with new tools for managing difficult emotions, to ground and regulate myself, and to understand the child inside me and what she needed. I had spent years intellectualizing and suppressing my emotions and ignoring the root of them. With Miriam I finally felt able to open myself up to my own emotions in a safe space, which allowed me to begin getting to the root of them. I am still working on the process we started together but I will be forever grateful to Miriam, and the lessons she taught me I take with me for the rest of my life!”